The fight against pediatric cancer in El Salvador

We are raising funds to help Fundación Ayúdame a Vivir. Their work and results in treating children with cancer in El Salvador are inspiring. Their fundraising efforts have been affected by the Covid-19 lockdown measures imposed in El Salvador. With your support, this foundation will be able to continue its great work and help its brave patients in their fight against cancer.

In this occasion, we are raising funds to help Ayúdame a Vivir, a Salvadoran non-profit and only institution in the country that treats children with cancer. They do so at no cost to the patients, who with rare exceptions come from the vulnerable parts of the population. Because of the lock down measures imposed in El Salvador to stop the spread of COVID-19, the fundraising efforts of this entity have been severely affected. This has not prevented them from taking innovative steps to overcome the obstacles imposed by the current circumstances. With your help, we want to facilitate their work, which is supporting the fight against pediatric cancer of some of the bravest people in the world.

Our desire to help Ayúdame a Vivir is inspired by the organization’s impressive results with the scarce resources they have. Currently, they have around 900 patients, half of which are in active treatment and the other half in post-remission phase. Every year, they receive 200 to 250 new children diagnosed with cancer. The organization has been able to increase the survival rate of these patients from less than 5% to 70% for some types of cancer since it started operations 29 years ago. This achievement puts them close to the benchmark of wealthier countries such as the United States where the survival rate is around 80%. In addition, Ayúdame a Vivir has been recognized by the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as the most cost-efficient program from all the organizations around the globe that are members of its Global Outreach Program.

Our goal in this occasion is to raise at least 5 thousand Euros (5,500 USD), which will be destined directly to finance the treatment of the children in Ayúdame a Vivir’s medical center. It is a modest goal given that their monthly medicine expenses are on average just over 130 thousand Euros (148 thousand USD). With your help, we want to take them closer to their funding goals. We also appreciate if you share this campaign in order to reach a wider group of charitable people.

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

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