Treatment against dystonia

Alexa is 4 years old. Her favorite pastime is to play shop with her dad. She also likes to play with her dog Duke. Her most beloved foods are chicken and cereal with yoghurt. Her favorite TV shows are Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol.

Alexa suffers from dystonia, which causes tremors in her arms. We have previously financed a magnetic resonance ($550 including anesthesia costs) and a neonatal screening ($321) needed to diagnose the cause of her condition. Given that the results were inconclusive, the doctor has prescribed an uptake of antibodies against NMDA receptors in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma. The cost of the exam is $1200. In addition, Alexa needs Levodopa-Cardibopa to treat the tremors in her arms, which her parents are not able to find in public pharmacies. The monthly cost of the medicine is $28.57. In this occasion, our goal is to finance the costs of the exam and the medicament for 1 year, which has been prescribed for the foreseeable future and amounts to $1,542.84. The costs are a significant financial burden given the income level of her household. Therefore, your donations are important not only for her health but also for the financial stability of her family.

Every contribution counts. We would also be grateful if you share this campaign with other people you think would be interested in donating.

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