The fight against breast cancer

We are cooperating with ASAPRECAN – an NGO in El Salvador dedicated to the fight against all types of cancer. It has programs for the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer. We are helping to fund their program to provide post breast cancer medication to women that cannot afford it and are not covered by insurance. The medication consists of hormone therapy aimed at preventing the cancer from coming back and comes in three forms: Letrozole, Anastrozole, and Tamoxifen.  Last year we were able to donate 1 thousand of each of these treatments, which covers the yearly needs of 249 women who have gone through a mastectomy. The cost of these 3,000 treatments is USD 8,700, which are provided by a local NGO – Patronato Progresando en Familia – in partnership with Novartis, who provides the medicines at a fraction of their usual cost. Our goal for next year is to finance the treatment for at least 1,000 women, which brings our new goal to USD 35,000.

With your help, we can change the lives of hundreds of women who would otherwise would not be able to afford the necessary treatment. When we delivered the donation last year we were fortunate to meet three beneficiaries who shared their stories. We were moved by their determination and purpose to overcome the disease and help support their families. Any contribution, no matter the amount, goes a long way to reach our goal to support them. We also appreciate if you share this campaign to reach as many people as possible.  

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